Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.

Assistive Technology supports are available to all learners, regardless of age. These supports can increase learner access and engagement with curricular materials, instruction and assessment. Assistive technology includes devices and/or services that enable children with disabilities to participate more fully in various aspects of life (home, school, and community) and helps them access their right to a “free, appropriate, public education” (FAPE) in the “least restrictive environment” (LRE). Each Area Education Agency has personnel to help guide and support the selection and acquisition of assistive technology needs for learners. AEAs have an assistive technology library with various items available for school teams to trial.

Kate Besch and Sara Koenecke are the Prairie Lakes AEA Assistive Technology Coordinators.

Please take a few minutes to complete this form that's designed to gather background information needed to serve the student and you.

To request a device, please complete this form.

If you are a parent who has concerns about your child’s accessibility needs, visit our Getting Started With Special Education page.

Important contacts

Staff Directory
Image thumbnail for Sara Koenecke

Sara Koenecke

Special Education Consultant/Assistive Technology Coordinator

515-705-7121 Email Sara Koenecke
Image thumbnail for Kate Besch

Kate Besch

Special Education Consultant/Assistive Technology Coordinator

712-335-6027 Email Kate Besch