Oct. 4 Update: Due to low registrations, the ELPA21 Standards workshop for Oct. 5-6 and 17-18 will be rescheduled to spring. ELPA21 will reach out to registered participants. New details will be shared when this is finalized.
We are excited to be able to offer the ELPA21 evidence-based workshops as part of the Title III services offered during the 2022-23 school year. We are offering each of the five workshops two times to ensure multiple opportunities to provide flexibility. Please see the schedule for each workshop below and mark your calendars to protect the time if these are of interest to you. Please register for the one you want to attend as soon as possible as there is a limit for seats.
Registration flyers for will be shared as they come up in the series.
However, we wanted you to have the full set of dates in advance so you can save the dates in your calendar and protect the time if desired.
There are several options for licensure renewal credit for participating in the workshops.
- 1 credit for attending one workshop and doing an outside assignment
- 2 credits for attending all 5 workshops (no outside assignment required)
- EL Educator Micro credential Badge through the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) for attending all 5 workshops and participating in the Family Leadership Institute in the spring (date to be announced soon)
Nov. 7 & 8 or Nov. 16 & 17
Differentiation Level II
Dec. 5 & 6 OR Dec. 14 & 15
Formative Assessment for ELs Level I
Feb. 6 & 7 or Feb. 15 & 16
Formative Assessment for ELs Level II
March 6 & 7 OR March 15 & 16