Virtual Speaker Series focuses on Special Education services

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Each month, Prairie Lakes AEA and Iowa Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services will host virtual speaker series that focuses a wide variety of topics from FAFSA to understanding your student's IEP. Join via Zoom from 6-7 p.m.  Please note that if you need accommodations please email at least three weeks in advance of the date.

Date Topic
Oct. 11, 2022

Understanding Your Student's IEP

Nov. 8, 2022 Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Dec. 13, 2022 Waiver Services
Jan. 10, 2023 4+ SAVE Program and Job Corps
Feb. 7, 2023 FAFSA
March 14, 2023 Disability Services at College
April 11, 2023 Iowa Compass & Prairie Lakes AEA Assistive Technology
May 9, 2023 U of I Reach and Wrap Up