Self-Assessment of MTSS Implementation (SAMI)

The Self-Assessment of MTSS Implementation - or the SAMI - is a needs assessment tool that helps building leadership teams understand the status of MTSS implementation at the school level. The tool supports teams to engage in active discussions to identify strengths and challenges in current MTSS implementation. It is designed to help the local system identify current practices, areas of strength, and areas for growth and refinement, and enable faculty and staff to prioritize and focus resources on those areas in need of the most attention or support. It is important to actively implement SAMI within the building leadership team in order to:

  1. Measure school-level implementation of MTSS;
  2. Identify and prioritize system needs;
  3. Guide action planning; and
  4. Assess impact over time of action plan implementation across the system, as well as for groups of students and individual students

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Online SAMI module

AEA Learning Online houses the SAMI online module. Search for C4K ESSA Module 2: Self Assessment of MTSS Implementation (SAMI). Includes links to the SAMI Rubric and Implementation Guide plus Facilitator Preparation and Fidelity Checklist.

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Tabitha DeMey

Educational/Media Services Facilitator

712-458-7016 Email Tabitha DeMey