Assessment & Data-Based Decision-Making

ESSA Data Review

ESSA requires states to support a school-level data review based on the measures included in the accountability index. To address this requirement, all schools identified in need of Targeted or Comprehensive Support and Improvement are required to complete a one-hour online module (C4K ESSA Module 1: ESSA Data Review) in YEAR ONE of designation. It is highly recommended that schools complete the Data Review annually. You can access this module through AEA Learning Online. This online module is open to any school.

The following resources would be helpful during the ESSA Data Review discussion:

  • Iowa School Performance Profile (The Profile). This site provides the data needed to complete the ESSA Data Review. It also contains guides to help teams understand data collection, analysis and interpretation of The Profile.

  • Conditions for Learning Resources. This document provides teams with the details of the Conditions for Learning Survey (CfL), including collection, analysis and interpretation of results.

ISPP Technical Assistance Guide

ISPP User Guide

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress Portal

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) Portal[/accordion]

[accordion title="ISASP Information"]This document is a collection of links to information about ISASP.

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Tabitha DeMey

Educational/Media Services Facilitator

712-458-7016 Email Tabitha DeMey