Sensory paths have become an awesome option to help kids stay focused at school. Sensory paths have a wide variety of physical elements for kids to try and often include some learning concepts like counting or the alphabet. They're colorful and engaging and tough enough to stand up to lots of jumping feet.
Check out the colorful options below, OR let us create a custom design just for you! Our Creative Services Team is ready to assist you. To order any of these items, please complete this form and email it to Jenifer Krischel.
SD1 Bear Crawl
SD2 Caterpillar Walk
SD3 Penguin Hop
SD4 Hopscotch
SD5 Duck Waddle
SD6 Logo Hop
SD7 Flower Power
SD8 Color Jump
SD9 Spin Cycle
SD10 Blast Off
SD11 Frog Hop
SD12 Log Walk
SD13 Mirror Me
SD14 Rainbow Tracing
SD15 Figure Eight
SD16 Wellness Pack
SD17 Fitness Pack
SD18 Yoga Pack
SD19 Pairs of Feet
SD20 Pairs of Hands
SD21 Arrow Set (20)
SD22 Circles
SD23 Squares
SD24 Triangles
SD25 Lines (16 x 2.5)
SD27 Lines (8 x 2.5)
SD28 Lines (4 x 2.5)
SD29 Arrows in Box
SD30 School Logos
SD31 Bug Set
SD32 Ladybugs
SD33 Sheep
SD34 Green Frogs
SD35 Orange Frogs
SD36 Alphabet G1
SD37 Number G1
SD38 Ants
SD39 Winding Arrow
SD40 Reflexe