Early Childhood/Preschool

Preschool Toolboxes for Administrators

Tools that are quick easy “one-pagers” to helping Administrators understand the ins and outs of an Iowa Early Childhood Program.

 PLAEA SWVPP Toolbox  

Iowa Preschool Programs Timeline Resource


Below are direct links to standards for early childhood programs in the state of Iowa.  In order to be a considered a Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program in the state of Iowa, preschool programs must adhere to at least one of the following set of quality preschool program standards: NAEYC/Shared Visions, Head Start Performance Standards or Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS).

Iowa Early Learning Standards

Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards

Shared Visions


Head Start Performance Standards

IQPPS Preschool Desk Audit Resources

Each year, the Iowa Department of Education compiles a comprehensive desk audit for all accredited IQPPS preschool programs. The purpose of the desk audit is to provide a process for the continued accreditation of schools and school districts receiving Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program funds for their 4-year-old programs. Districts are required to provide evidence of implementation of the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS). Administrators may reach out to their PLAEA Early Childhood Consultants for additional support and information.

Preschool Desk Audit Resources



Important contacts

Staff Directory
Image thumbnail for Marcie Lentsch

Marcie Lentsch

School Improvement Facilitator

515-705-7170 Email Marcie Lentsch